Lothar Stadler was invited as a speaker.
Title: How to Build up Global Partnerships – Remote!
Workshop Description:
In this workshop you will learn how to find multipliers for your sales efforts with the right sales channels, suitable network partners and optimal incentive systems. Adapted to global change, you can achieve success with fewer resources, hands-on practices and simple digital tools.
First session:
Tuesday 15 September, 6:30 AM – 7.45 AM Austria Time / 11.30 – 12.45 PM Bangkok Time
Second session:
Tuesday 15 September, 9:00 – 10.15 AM Austria Time / 14.00 – 15.15 PM Bangkok Time
Corporate Innovation Summit 2020 is Asia’s Largest Experiential Conference where prominent corporates and government leaders gather to engage with a global network of more than 20,000 CEOs and top executives who lead the world’s most successful corporations, tech companies, innovation experts, fast-growing startups, accelerators, investors from every industry. This 3-day event offers a highly experiential and hands-on environment, designed to evolve your mindset to one that brings your vision to life and drives your organization forward faster.